Tauche hinein in ein kleines Abenteuer. Erkunde ein verwunschene Ruine, überwinde gefähliche Fallen und treffe geheimnisvolle Weggefährten.

Dieses Spiel wurde entwickelt von Schülern des LSH Wiesentheids. Dieser kleine Platformer ist eine Hommage an unsere Schule, seine Schüler und nicht zu letzt an unsere Lehrer. Wir bedanken uns, dass Sie so etwas möglich gemacht haben.


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(2 edits)

I know your most likely not online and your probably don't know what I'm saying cause your german and most likely don't know english and most likely have to use google translate but I wanna point out at some point in the game the game kinda froze not sure if it's a bug or I was having technical difficulties also can you please make a english translated option so I can understand the story and stuff because I can't read German.

It is very amusing to me that you assume a programmer/game developer/human living in the 21st century does not know English :.). I will say that I would realy enjoy to add a Englich translation and devolop the game further - make it something proper. But this was only just a scool"ish" project and now that I am finished, I won't sadly do anymore game development. So there wont be an English translation. (But you would probaly laugh anyway, since this was a "story" written by a bunch of teens, who can do a lot of things, exept writing a not-cheesy story)

I still wanted to ask, what is your opinion of this game? (From game developer to guy who probably wont read this)


oh I see...

But the game is good though the art work and animation is well done and the gameplay is like celeste.

Thank you, that is a very high compliment. I appretiate it. So I have looked at it some more. And there is still that gamedeveloper-itch in me. So maybe I will lokalize it. I will have to find the time and I won't promise that the story is any good. But it's definitly going to be fun.

(1 edit)

Ok well good luck plus if you actually work on it again for the localization you should fix the part where when I press space on a painting the painting won't go away or that was actually part of the game like some type curse or stuff or it was a bug?